Have a question or need more information? Please feel free to reach out to one of our Booster Board members or directors!
Booster Board Members
President: Steve Nickell - president@fhvikingbands.org
Vice President: Liz Peuster- vicepresident@fhvikingbands.org
Secretary: Nikki Oberg- secretary@fhvikingbands.org
Controller: Lisa Nordeen- controller@fhvikingbands.org
Treasurer: Michelle Essary- treasurer@fhvikingbands.org
Volunteer Coordinator: Amanda Paul- volunteercoordinator@fhvikingbands.org
Craft Fair Coordinator: Nancy Pope- craftfair@fhvikingbands.org
Fundraising Coordinator: Rhonda Rawlings-fundraising@fhvikingbands.org
Band Directors
Director of Bands: Chris Miller- Christopher.Miller@fhsdschools.org
Drumline/Percussion Director: Mark Ishman- the314percussionist@gmail.com
Color Guard Instructor: Dale Robison- dalerobison88@aol.com